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1 May - LIMINAL MINIMAL + more
Christian Lebrat (France) presents his dual-projection performance LIMINAL MINIMAL and a selection of his short films. A rare screening of this "expanded" film, which will showcase the new (grand) Collective Unconsious screen. "Christian Lebrat’s films decompose the image into particles (strips of light) exploding the frame, creating new intensities of color. Between 1976-85 he realized 8 films, including a self-portrait & several live performances." - CL (Presented as part of the Outer Limits Film and Video Series.
   Don't miss Christian Lebrat's other shows at Millenium, Princeton and Anthology Film Archives (full program).

Special double feature tonight! For the first half, Adam Goldman (LA) is on hand to introduce his half-hour video semi-documentary THE MARK TWAIN COMPANY, a crypto-Marxist (?) accounting of the trials and travails of Mr. Samuel Clemens, comprised of material collected at places he inhabited, however briefly. Followed by Matthew Buckingham's THE TRUTH ABOUT ABRAHAM LINCOLN, which we haven't seen in far too long. Plus more? After a brief intermission we'll present the second half, consisting of films made by students from Jeanne Liotta's Handmade Films class at the New School University and Brian Frye's Film I class at Hampshire College. Watch out for Super-8 pinhole movies and more.

Film collector and artist Michael Wynne inauguates a new series of RBMC programs with this first installation of THE UNESSENTIAL CINEMA. In this ongoing collaboration with the RBMC cine-metaphysicians, Wynne will concoct an (anti-)canon of the lost, dispossessed and generally forgotten films that constitute the unconscious history of the movies. "I would define the Unessential Cinema as films that unintentionally evoke the transcendent, be it through naivete, perversion, ineptitude or whatever means they (mis)employ." - MW. Possible instances include: FANTASY ISLAND BELLY DANCER, THE SKIPPER & THE STALKER, EARTH VS. THE SPIDER VS. THE WITCHES, GETTING HIS GOAT, HOW TO MAKE A FILM WITHOUT A CAMERA, ELECTRIC KOOL-AID MOVIE and much more. Absolutely not to be missed

Marianne Shaneen, "insurrectionary sentimentalist," textress, and RBMC devotee, presents her super-8 films with video, slides, dual projections and vocal inter(pro)jections, mutating from meditative to madcap and multiple molten points in between .... films include: THIRL - a cine-book, AGAPE - in which the mundane rephotographically reveals itself as cosmic-chasmic-chiasm, TOO BRIEF FOR ITS DURATION - a palingenesis occuring in the ellipse/eclipse between the still and the moving and more! "Her works are initial uses of the senses. Frame by frame, line by line, she is putting a place that has never yet been back together. To savor what there was, at the time, no sense for savoring. Through her novel ritualizations and impromptu mechanics, as mutually destructive traits appear to thrive, our wholeness reminds us..." - Robert Kocik

29 May - CASPAR KAPROW: A 2001 HAPPENING (digital Anti-Nato 0+55 demonstration)
Now THAT'S revival! The Robert Beck is delighted to present the first New York appearance in public of Caspar Kaprow (Prague) who is (YES!) the actual son of the father of Happenings. Caspar grew up in the US and moved to Prague shortly after the Velvet Revolution. He has become one of the well known figures in the new Czech Fine Art scene as well as an elaborate live-video performer in Prague’s Techno and Electronica Underground. He is best known for his retro art projects such as SUXULF (1999) and his thrilling neo-psychedelic video shows. For the latter he openly admits plagiarizing the concepts of Bill Moritz and the light shows of the 70's. He confesses he has added absolutely nothing new to these ideas except time and technology. Significantly, he claims to be one of the very few to be fully conscious about this fact. For this Back-to-Beck show, he will re-stage a well-known 1971 New York Happening which he re-titles "A digital Anti-Nato 0+55 demonstration." The nature of this event will involve exciting hands-on action, sensual stimulation and lots of love. The main activity will revolve around Caspar’s famous prepared video turntables from the 70's which will spin 450 revolutions per minute! Every participant will become a substantial part of the projection screen - therefore Caspar requires sold out full house, as well as white clothing for every viewer. At least for the top. He warned us he is serious about it. "Light top or naked - otherwise it won't work!" However, "You folks will not regret this!," he promises.

All programs on Tuesdays at 9pm at Collective Unconscious, 145 Ludlow St. NYC $5 Admission

Other shows New York City
The Robert Beck Memorial Cinema websight maintains a short list of the shows that have been circulating by word of mouth.

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All programs on Tuesdays at 9:30pm at Collective Unconscious
145 Ludlow St., NYC
$5 Admission
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Up now: pictures from Glen Fogel's show 20 February.

The Robert Beck Memorial Cinema
Cooper Station Box 499
NYC 10276-0499

Brian Frye
Cooper Station Box 499
NYC, 10276-0499

Bradley Eros
123 Essex St., Box 53
NYC, 10002
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