2 May -
Joss Winn (Japan) has organized yet another intriguing series of new Japanese experimental films, this time all originating in 8mm. Artists to include:Tachibana Kaoru, Horikawa Makiko, Shiho Kano, Kurihara Mie, Onishi Kenji, Saruyama Norihiro and Koike Teruo.

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9 May -
Tonight filmmaker and scientist Warren Neidich (NYC) presents an illustrated lecture entitled "Visual Ergonomics: Formulating a Model Through Which Aesthetics and Neurobiology Are Linked," accompanied by several of his films and videos. Historical and antihistorical narratives, Neidich's films (mis-)use uncanny devices, designed as diagnostic tools for exploring brain infirmities, in order to expose the aesthetic morality encoded in their mechanism. From the man himself: " The key to my work is the belief that through a backward analysis, from the aesthetic object to the brain, film can inform us on how the mind is constructed."

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16 May -

To fete the second anniversary of the RBMC we present a special evening of mysterious events centered around our many (semi-)anonymous founders. Or rather, the adoptee's cinema, the RBMC finds all its unsuspecting parents. Bring your magnifying glass fellow sleuths as we embark on a fact finding mission: writers, artists, doctors of quackery and soldiers of silence. PLUS! the unveiling of the great RBMC treasure hunt!

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23 May -

While he's in town to show brand-new films at the Walter Reade, Lewis Klahr (now LA, but always NYC) will drop in the RBMC for a special screening of his Super-8 serial Picture Books For Adults (83-85), unseen in NYC for over 10 years. Lewis promises other rare super-8 gems, including a double-projection film from c. 1982...

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30 May -
With the invaluable help of Masha Godovannaya, the RBMC presents a program of short films (unfortunately on video, sorry) by notorious Russian Necrorealist filmmaker Yevgeniy Yufit. An "underground" film movement which sprouted pre-perestroika (1984-5) in Leningrad, Necrorealist artists included Yufit, Igor Bezrukov, Yevgeniy Kondratiev, and Konstantin Mitenev. Necrorealists apparently "affirmed the life of the body abandoned by the soul and advocated pure idiocy, uncorrupted by instinct or the subconscious. Characters thickly plastered with zombie clay enact mass brawls, suicides, and monosexual erotic acts. In such strategies it was easy to discern provocations towards the Soviet myth of social immortality" Well. This event was organized in conjunction with other screenings of Necrorealist films about town, so keep your eyes peeled.

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All programs begin at 9pm (or thereabouts) on Tuesdays at Collective Unconscious,145 Ludlow St., NYC
$5 admission
Brian Frye 
Cooper Station, Box 499, NYC 10276-0499
718-622-5360  fryekino@redconnect.net

Bradley Eros
115 Essex St. #53 
NYC 10003